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Apply for Your Free Pass

Apply for Your 2025 Complimentary Pass

We look forward to welcoming you to Chief Data & Analytics Officers, APEX Financial Services on May, 2025.

Complete the form to join us for amazing content, lively discussions, scheduled meetings, and networking with fellow Senior Data & Analytics Executives. All applications are subject to review, and you will be notified of your pass status within 48 hours.

Registration criteria includes:

  • Seniority: Senior Level, Director and above Data & Analytics Professionals
  • Industry: Financial Services & Banking, and Insurance
  • Company Size: 1,000+ employees
  • Purchasing Power: Has budget responsibility

We will notify you within 1-2 business days if you have been approved for a free pass.

For more information about sponsorship opportunities, available speaking sessions, and special offers get in touch with us today by emailing: inquiries@coriniumintel.com